Bad Reviews Of The Venus Factor

Has Venus Factor Any Negative Reviews? 

Having trouble finding anything negative or bad reviews of the Venus Factor?  Wondering if in fact it is for real or just another scam?

If all the reviews you've come across so far are positive, alarm bells might start ringing but firstly lets explore why that might be and recap on the facts of Venus Factor, what exactly is being offered, the pro's and con's and why bad reviews are hard to find.

negative reviews

Quick Review of The Venus System

Firstly, the Venus System is a comprehensive diet and fitness program.  It has been created exclusively for women to help them lose weight and get in shape.  Many exercise programs have the same goal but the venus factor's focus is on more than getting fit and strong.  Its aim is to help women change their body shape by focusing on the particular areas of the body that give women those gorgeous curves and that sexy, feminine look.

The Venus diet program is for 12 weeks during which time the body's metabolism is re-trained or overhauled, using something the creator, John Barban, calls the 12 Week Undulating Metabolic Override Nutrition Protocol.

This method is a combination of eating the right amount of calories at the right time including all food groups, protein and carbohydrates as well as fruits and vegetables.  An exercise routine 3 times a week is also recommended to achieve the best results.

To lose weight and get fit - a healthy metabolism is a must, as this is what burns fat in the body.  Other diet programs concentrate on reducing calories while performing exercise also, but there is no emphasis on metabolism which is one reason those weight loss diets fail.

The 12 week Venus Factor program sets out to help increase the rate at which the body burns fat - dramatically

This is done with an understanding around the hormone leptin - the king of hormones when it comes to weight loss and appetite and a knowledge of nutrition.  There have been numerous studies done around leptin and evidence to support the claims made by John Barban. 

Feel free to check that out as well as references on the official Venus factor page here.

venus factor

To Recap - About The Venus Factor System 


  • Venus Factor is a 12 week diet and exercise plan that will show you how to dramatically increase your metabolism
  • Educates on the leptin hormone and why you must be aware of leptin sensitivity in order to lose weight
  • Provides you with extensive knowledge on nutrition that will encourage better eating habits for life
  • Gives access to the Venus Virtual Nutritionist Software that shows exactly what to eat as well as when
  • Gives detailed information on workouts including video instruction
  • Access to Venus support group

The Pro's and Con's of The Venus Factor 

Obviously as with any diet and fitness program or online product, there are bound to be some pro's and con's attached, negative reviewsof the program are lacking, something often found in online reviews, so here, we will take a look at the positives and negatives of this program.


  • Venus Factor is a complete diet and fitness program that will reshape your body, you won't need to invest in any other book or program - everything you need to increase metabolism, lose and maintain weight and make healthier food choices for life is here.
  • The emphasis is not on losing weight but more on toning up and looking good through combining foods and exercise.
  • Most diets are generic - Venus Factor is unique in that it caters specifically for the female body and looks at the reasons why women have a harder time with losing weight than men.
  • The program is tailored to suit the individual as it is body measurements that are taken into account in order to calculate your weekly targets.
  • System is easy to follow and well laid out with instructional workout videos which are helpful to see exactly how to perform the workouts.
  • Workouts are adaptable to suit any level of fitness so all women catered for.
  • Ongoing motivation and support through the online forum. Mix with thousands of other women who are using Venus Factor to achieve their goals. Developers of the Venus Factor are also here to answer questions and give advice.
  • Ability to set up your own blog to document your progress for your own records or as a way of sharing your accomplishments with others.
  • Fantastic value for money - cost of the program is a one time payment - there are some other options, see below - if you compare that to going to the gym or going to weight-watchers every week, you can see the value you are getting.  It is also worth noting that many women are unsure about the right exercises to do and  a personal trainer is often required for at least a few sessions.  Venus Factor provides a whole library of video instruction on workouts and exercises and you can learn more from others in the forum about routines, cardio etc.
  • The program is offered through Clickbank, the biggest  retailer of online digital products and a 60 day money back guarantee is available if you are not completely satisfied. Venus Factor is actually one of their best selling products.


  • Although Venus Factor is a digital product which is convenient and easily accessible, some women prefer to have a physical book for easy reference and this could be a negative for some.  The only solution here would be to print off the PDF's which is particularly useful for the workouts.
  • There are links to the workout instructional videos in the PDF  but they are not downloadable.  You would need to access and watch them on your PC, laptop or phone or hook up the internet on your TV.
  • There are some upsells that may be purchased in addition to the main program.  They are not necessary to buy as the program has everything you need but there are some additional options to avail of -  interest in them will depend on individual requirements and ultimate goals.  This sales process is common when buying online, especially digital products and if you've previously purchased online, you will no doubt be familiar with the process.  Some people however might feel this process is a little pushy or "hard sell"- the only recommendation is to consider what is presented and whether you feel it will be useful to you on your journey or if it will make life any easier.


Why Are Bad Reviews Of Venus Factor Hard To Find?


One reason why you won't find many, if any negative reviews is that the Venus Factor have their own support forum.  Members use this to post their questions or look for help and don't need to go all over the internet making posts.  There is also a facility to set up your own blog so you can keep an account of your experience with the program and how you are getting along.  This can be private, just for your own records or you can share your experiences and achievements with other members.

support forum

Another reason you might not find bad reviews is that perhaps there really aren't any!  Yes, there are a couple of things as on the con's listed above but while these might come low on a list of negatives,  there is no scam element to the program.  There is no magic element either!  This system is packed with good, solid information - that is a fact, but also remember that weight is not lost or bodies reshaped without effort!

Should You Buy The Venus Factor?

You must be prepared to make changes if you are looking for long lasting results.  Venus factor can help you lay the right foundation that will serve you for life, giving you the information and tools you will need to lose weight and keep it off while getting stronger and fitter in the process.

Keep in mind that losing weight is actually very fulfilling.  With Venus Factor, you will also be reshaping your body so you will get the added satisfaction of achieving a tone, curvier, more feminine figure. 

We've looked at the reasons why bad reviews of the Venus Factor are hard to find - the system does work, thousands of women have joined this program.  There may be aspects that might not appeal to everyone such as mentioned above but overall, once you are realistic and realise that effort must be made if you are to succeed, then there is no reason for not giving the Venus Factor a try. 

It can help you to improve your health, feel more energized and self confident and just plain good about yourself! What have you got to lose?


Venus Factor Results - It Really Does Work!

Results From Venus Factor

Before you invest in the Venus Factor, it is important to find out about results and what really is possible however it is also worth mentioning again that any kind of weight loss and exercise program takes effort and commitment.

Any break from your normal routine or eating habits is not easy and takes planning but if you are determined to drop a couple of dress sizes and put the focus back on having a strong, sexy, firm and fit body, then all the help you need is inside this program.

There are of course many diet and fitness programs available - some which target losing weight fast however the problem with that - while it is appealing - is that most people do not sustain the weight lost.

Instead a slower, steady approach to weight loss has been proven to give the best results. This is what the Venus Factor system is geared towards, educating and promoting a healthier body through changing habits that will last you a lifetime.

Check out these real women and the results they've achieved with Venus Factor -  


Results from Venus Factor


Still Unsure ? Does Venus Factor Really Work? - Read This...

Leptin And The Venus Factor

Venus Factor and Leptin...

The Venus Factor is probably one of the most successful body transformation programs available today because it acknowledges the scientific research behind the hormone leptin.

This is the master hormone that controls the body's ability to burn fat - high levels of leptin equals a body in fat burning mode.....low levels of leptin equates to a body whose metabolism is slow and sluggish...

Women Can't "Hear" The Leptin Signal

The good news for women is that women have a lot more of the leptin hormone than men - but the bad news for women is that the signal to burn fat is just not heard.  

Enter The Venus Factor - this program will show you how to deal with leptin and get your body's metabolic switch "turned on" - everything is easy once you know how, right?

Read our program review Here and see exactly what is involved..